Take 10 Minutes to Get Started With SEO

Take 10 minutes to get started with SEO
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one of the most cost-effective digital marketing instruments. But, using it in the right way is one of the most challenging tasks as well. The fundamental goal of SEO resources is to help marketers achieve best outcomes. This is regardless of whether they have an agency resource, in-house resource or operate on their own.

As the main aspect of search engine results pages (SERPs), SEO seeks to be the top ranking method. This applies to organic or natural listings across a set of user-fed keywords. SERPs comprise of the various listing pages that the search engines consider relevant for searches. These are more often based on the text they contain.
They also comprise of different tools like page links which are useful for the searchers. Google considers these tools as part of a significant strategy referred to as a blended or Universal search.

What is SEO ?

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the process by which a website improves its visibility on search engine results pages. These could be natural, free, or organic searches. Various factors including content of the page, website coding, keyword management are contributors. Some call SEO as a science whereas another school of thought consider it as an art. It is a collection of various onsite and offsite methods that helps the webpage to the top of search queries.

Functionalities of SEO

Google, Yahoo, Bing, Alta Vista and many 100’s of such search engines try to provide the best results for the queries asked by their users. They display the list of result’s based on the authority and relevance of the pages indexed in their server.

SEO is the backbone for pages being most indexed for specific key phrases. When the bots, crawl the pages, they scan the entire page and index the details found. SEO plays an important role in convincing the crawler to index a particular page for a specific keyword. Engines use the PageRank algorithm to find the popularity of a web page. More the number of pages having a link to one page, better the relevance of it. Attractive websites have great content with easy navigability. This make it easy for visitors and the search robots in increasing the rank of the site. And thereby giving it higher visibility.


Choosing an effective SEO technique needs a lot of effort and research. Keyword research is a particularly important aspect as web-content enables the site to have a better rank by search engines. The SEO process is very complex and is a constantly evolving process. SEO professionals are experts, updated with the latest online search techniques and algorithms. To ensure that this is working as normal, it has to managed with different tools.

Ways of SEO

Keyword selection is the main aspect of implementation of SEO. It is upon this which all other activities are dependent. These keywords and key phrases are most implemented across the content of the website. Image naming and placement of related words, usage of META tags, etc form part of offline SEO. HTML coding, the naming of elements are points where website designers and developers play a role.
Once the site is live, digital marketer or SEO specialist takes over the charge of promoting the website. This is to ensure to have it displayed on top 2 to 3 search pages. Link building, article promotion, image marketing, and various other tasks come under offsite SEO. Keyword analyser tool use it to its best level for the finest result. Search words are an important part of SEO. Web crawling robots search for the keywords that a user enters in the search engine. If the same words are available in web pages, they are in turn shown on a search result. Fresh and updated content is still the first love of search engines. It gives extra weight to websites updated from time to time.


Most of the searchers have the tendency to click on the first 5 suggestions that appear on the result page. Any website or online store has to be at a leading position to attract visitors to their site and to make the most of this service. It plays a significant role in promoting a website socially. Any website that is found on Yahoo or Google is usually promoted by people on different social media. They range from channels like Google+, Twitter and Facebook.
SEO is quintessential for the smooth functioning of any website. It plays both an indirect and direct role for websites having multiple authors. The direct advantage is increasing search engine usage. The indirect advantage is a general framework to use even before any content is live on the website. SEO helps a company to stand out from its competitors. Imagine there are two websites and both deal with the same content. The website which has been set with SEO is likely to make greater sales and have a large number of customers.
Try our FREE SEO Audit Report for your website. If you would like to know more about SEO for your company, please get in touch with us today.

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